Wednesday, November 28, 2007


it's late at night kids, and i'm exhausted.
but i'ma tell you how it's going to be.

i came to la for one reason: to make movies.
not to make someone else's.

my own.

and i'll be here until i do that.
until i'm not making calls anymore.
calls are being made to me.

until i'm not someone else's bitch.
someone is working under me.

i drove out here with $5000 and no job prospects.
in 10 days we found an apartment.
in the first month i had a job, despite the writers strike.
in the first week of work, the owner asks to see my thesis script.

don't get me wrong, i'm not living the high life yet. i'm still struggling a bit.
but hell, this is a blast.

i'm teetering on the edge of existence(not a ton of money and constantly sick since september - stress they say)

but this is how it's done.


Unknown said...

That is freakin awesome.

Kick some ass, man, you're rocketing.

Rachel said...

that's pretty good considering you haven't been there long. rock it!

Unknown said...

you don't write in this nearly as much as you should. i want a daily accounting of your life!!! now!!! :-P miss you.