That sounds pretty cocky there, Jack.
I know, but just go with it.
Back in December, we were swamped with work. three of our films were in various stages, and one of them (Queen Sized with Nikki Blonsky). So on a Thursday evening, it's real late, been working for wuite some time, haven't shaved in a few days, and I look like hell. So Andre, my co-worker, and I are riding the elevator down to the garage when two people get on at the second floor, where the casting agency is.
At this point, I'm barely alive, let alone awake, and it isn't for a good two minutes before I realize the woman who got on at the second floor is talking to me. I snap out of my half-trance and say:
me - "Excuse me?"
she - "I said, do you work upstairs?"
me - "...Yeah?"
she - "Are you working tomorrow?"
me - "Yeah...why?
she - "Would you want to audition for a national commercial?"
me - "uh..."
she - "we're casting tomorrow, and I think you'd be great for the part."
I look at Andrew, I laugh.
me - "Yeah?"
she - "it's a national mastercard commercial. You'd just have to wear what you have now, and show up. it'll be easy."
Still kind of in shock.
me - "Sure. Yeah. i'll be there."
So i show up the next day, not quite knowing what to do as I have no resume, no headshot, no agent. I end up talking to the two owners of the casting agency, the casting agent who asked me to come, and the photographer. For this audition I had to walk around this little studio acting like I was listening to my ipod and rocking out while walking through the city streets.
So I leave, thinking that was fun, nothing is happening though.
Until two days later when I get a phone call telling me I got a callback.
Yeah. For real. And get this. It was at Ridley Scott's Agency.
Yeah, Mr. Blade-Runner-Gladiator-Alien. That one.
That audition didn't go so well, although I found out that out of a few hundred potentials for my part alone, I made it into the final five. Can't really ask for more. And so I didn't get that part.
Then...yes there's more...then I get another call from the casting agent two days later saying that I was up for a part in another mastercard commercial that they were casting. I wouldn't have to audition for this one, it was just down to a decision as to which person they wanted, and she would let me know by the next day.
By the time I walked into work the following morning, I knew that I would be a principal actor in a major national commercial that was shooting on Saturday.
So this commercial is just a bunch of vignettes of people playing catch, and I was cast to play a kind of stoner/slacker (ha) that would be playing catch with a similar looking guy on the beach. And of course, because we were stoners, we couldn't just be playing catch with a regular baseball.
oh no.
I was given a giant orange rubber ball to throw. And we also threw a velcro tennis ball to catch with those velcro pads. We did throw a football, and that went about as well as it could, seeing as how my arm isn't so much a cannon as it is a pop gun.
Oh, and did I mention my trailer? no? Hmmm.
Yeah I had a trailer, with my name on it. I laughed when the AD told me that, but here's the proof:

Will I get headshots? Maybe.
Representation? Possibly.
Join SAG? Considering. I did get a letter from them saying I had to join if I did another commercial.
I'm just going to wait and see for now. So if you happen to catch a mastercard commercial airing on TV this spring with people playing catch, keep an eye out for me.
that's so cool! You have amazing luck!
Wow honey great job!
Question for you, though:
Did the SaG letter mean you'd have to join them BEFORE you do another commercial? Or if you do another commercial you would then have to join AFTER it?
I want to know so I know how to get in once I can.
Alright, I'm not gonna pretend any longer...this makes me hate you a little bit and if I did have a tv, well, I'd keep it off the entire month of march in boycott of how lucky you are!
Welcome to Los Angeles!!!!!
This is why I love LA...One big lottery. haHA!
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