Saturday, February 2, 2008

So the question is, who do I endorse?

You know, this entire primary season and before, I had really been struggling about who to vote for. The dems had eight candidates to start, but who was really worth my vote?

In the end I think I was nearing John Edwards. Not only did I find him to be the only one not finger pointing and arguing in the debates, but he wanted to talk straight up politics and issues. He was also the person most neglected by the media because he wasn't one of two historic candidates, seeing as he's a southern white man.

Now I have no problem at all with the fact that the two candidates left are different from what we've always had. It's actually a welcome bit of fresh air. Because I mean, lately the white-men-as-presidents haven't been working out to be the best, but come on media. Show us the people who are actually presenting the issues and not arguing and actually showing they want to make a change, instead of arguing about who's going to make the most change, or who has done it so far.

By the way, I hate that god damned word. Stop using it. I'm removing it from my vocabulary since i've heard it six million times since november.

Anyway, even though I thought I would be voting for Mr. Edwards, there was something about that charming young man from Illinois that really grabbed my attention. Most of his politics seemed to be in line with Edwards, and you know what? sometimes I even got chills when I heard his speech. A few weeks ago, I remarked how he started to remind me of Kennedy (and who doesn't like JFK, our last great president). Then I read up on more of his issues and found that yes, maybe this is something who could bring about ch...make a difference in America from the Washington of old.

I think his lack of experience kind of threw me off at first, but then again, the final three all had technically the same amount of national experience.

So when it comes down to Obama and Clinton, I overwhelmingly endorse Obama. I'm still waiting to hear how Hillary is going to follow up her mandated health care. What if I still can't afford health care hillary? Will you tax me or fine me until I do buy it? Until it becomes more than the health care itself?

Combine that issue with the fact that she seems like another warhawk in disguise, hiding her true feelings behind the mask of the democratic party, and you see why I'm endorsing who I've picked.

The sad part is that, I have to fly home on Monday in order for a family issue, and will not be able to vote in California on Super Tuesday (seeing as I am now officially a CA resident).

So, since this is the first ever vote that i will not be able to cast a ballot in since I've turned 18 (yes, all primaries, elections, referendums, etc.) I hope that everyone who is able to vote in the primary, will vote, and turn out for who you truly believe would make the best president. Because I hate that I won't be able to.

p.s. - Just so you know, just because I would have voted for Obama in the primaries does not mean I will definitely be voting for him in the general election. There are still candidates that will pop up for third parties, and who knows, maybe the republican candidate will be a better one (ha.). But i'm not limiting myself to the party I'm registered to.

So come, november, if Mr. Obama wins the Democratic nomination, and I see that he is truly the best candidate (which I am sensing he may be), then he will also garner my national election vote.

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